Tuesday, September 2, 2014



I love this time of year! There are so many delicious fruits and vegetables in season. One of my favorites is fresh tomatoes. I have a bit of a black thumb, so I don't do any gardening. Luckily, my guy loves to plant things- and can keep them alive! Life has been busy with a newborn and toddler so he didn't plant much this year, however. Mostly transplanted and rearranged the garden beds and pots. We were pleasantly surprised to discover that a bunch of tomatoes from last year came back! They are starting to put fruit on now. Since they are mostly sun gold and cherry tomatoes, I couldn't do the traditional Caprese salad, so I simply chopped them in quarters, mixed them with basil from the garden, fresh cubed mozzarella, a splash of olive oil and salt and pepper. They are amazing!!

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