Friday, September 5, 2014

Tiny Scraps!


My name is Nikki and I'm a tiny fabric scrap hoarder.

 I cannot seem to throw any scrap, even the tiniest one away...I mean, I might NEED it! Growing up one of my neighbors was a lady who made quilts. She had an amazingly organized sewing room full of teeny tiny scraps and she would use them all! She made quilts until she passed away at 98 years old. Truly incredible.

A while back I had a friend look at all my organized little scraps and said, "You know you're never going to use all of these, right?" Well, I've been on a mission to prove her wrong!

If you visit my etsy shop you'll find a few things I've created using some of those tiny scraps. I recently finished a project in which I would cut and sew pieces for 15 minutes a day with no plan and use those tiny scraps to create something. Going in I had no idea what the end result would be. Another pillow? A blanket? a skirt? I had a few ideas rolling around in my head. Well, this is what I ended up making....

I'm a sucker for new totes and this one came out really cute! It was made using only what I had on hand.

One one the supplies I use the most with these tiny scrap projects is light weight heat bond. I usually lay out a piece of muslin and just iron all the the scraps down individually, then stitch. It works great to keep everything in place and give a more solid feel. Be sure to use Heat 'n Bond lite- you can sew it without gumming up your needle. Another option, though a little more expensive, is fusible interfacing.

What do you make with your tiny scraps? I can't be the only hoarder out there! Ha!

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