Monday, September 15, 2014



I have a friend whose little girl is turning 2 this week and I was wracking my brain about what to make her. Luckily, I take pictures of all my past projects! I scrolled though them and found the perfect, easy project to whip up for her- a dino-hoodie! You can find hoodies with this theme pretty easily, but not so much for girls. I'm not a huge fan of "pretty pink princess" stuff, so I tend to use black or gray with purple and sometimes pink.

You can find tutorials for these hoodies all over pinterest as I did. The tricky thing I've found is finding a plain hoodie. It seems like every brand MUST put their logo/screen print/obnoxious something or other splashed across it! I've ordered them online before, but this time was able to find one at H&M in the boys section. They had 6 great colors and there are a couple other littles getting these as gift soon!

 Here's the finished hoodie...

This is one I made for my little guy once upon a time!

 And another...


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