Sunday, September 7, 2014

Happy Thoughts Sunday


  • Hmmm...maybe I need to start doing macrame again! I used to make and sell a lot hippie, hemp jewelry in college.
  • These look so cozy!We had a couple of days that the chill in the air was welcome, but now it's back to hot, hot, hot!
  • My littles are doing really well with sleep right now. I keep waiting for it to blow up! Having 2 kids has only reinforced my momming philosophy- "No fear, no expectations!"
  • While also keeping this in mind!
  • I'm a sucker for cool cheap t-shirts. This site has some fun ones!
  • Bags, bags and more bags!
  • Looking forward to this afternoon. I have some girlfriends coming over for a "stitch 'n bitch." Hopefully, lots of stitching, wine drinking and not too much bitching!
Hope you have a fantastic week ahead!

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